Buy supplies from the local market
Local market prices are normal
You don't have access to the Internet yet
You need to buy a smartphone first
Buy supplies from the internet
Delivery takes between 2 and 4 days
You don't have access to this king of stuff
You need to meet some bad people first
Illegal stuff
Basic upgrades: 0
Profesional upgrades: 0
Staff: 0 people
Payment: 0
Jug: 1 watermelon + 3 sugar = 1 jug
Cup: 1/12 jug + 2 ice = 1 cup
You can produce 0 jugs of watermelon juice and from them 0 cups
You can generate a total profit of $0.00
Your are at a small village called
Population: ( kids / adults / elders)
Stand opens at 11:00 and closes around 17:00
Date: 1 April 2001
Year: 1
Day: 1
You have been working for a total of 1 days
You work only for 6 months around the summer